Process Definitions

Process Definition The series of steps necessary to handle a situation presented by a case. When creating a process definition, you can specify the steps of the process and indicate sub-processes to attach to each step. It is also possible to set "tickle days" for each step of the process. Tickle days record the due date for each step.

By creating process definitions, you can ensure that cases are handled using the correct steps and in a timely manner. In the Case Management module, hovering over the Process Definitions group item in the navigation bar allows you to choose from several options, including finding, listing, adding process definitions, and querying processes. The process definitions that you create can then be applied in the Case Categories profile screen.

Case Management Workflow

  1. Define the process of steps necessary to handle a case of this type in the Process Definitions, Add Process section.
  2. Click Case Categories > Add Case Categories. Enter your organization's category code and category description for the new category .
  3. In the Case Category Profile screen, add a "case type." Under case types, you may also add a work flow process. Add case sources, statuses, and decisions.

    Note: The Add work flow process field options are populated by data entered in the Process Definitions group item.

  4. Using the Cases group item, add cases to the case category that you created.
  5. As the cases progress, update their place in the work flow process.
  6. When the cases are complete, change the status to complete.

Establishing a Process Definition

  1. Go to Modules > Case Management > Process Definitions > Add Process. The Add - Case Workflow Process window opens.
  2. Enter the process code and process description determined by your organization. Click Save. The Case Workflow Process Profile window opens.
  3. Add Actions. See the Process Profile Actions Child Form help topic for field-specific instructions.